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page logo visitor summary: Sun, 06/May/2007
visitor summary: Sun, 06/May/2007
From - To 06/May/2007 00:00:59 - 06/May/2007 23:55:24
Visits 270
Total Visit Time 7h 36m 49s Average Visit Time 1m 41s
Pages 759 - 28.2 MB Average Pages 3
Entry Summary
Direct Requests 42% 114 From Search Engines 47% 127
From Linking Sites 11% 29 Front Page 19% 50
Direct Front Page 15% 40 Top Entry Page Front Page (50 visitors)
Searches Summary
Engine(s)CountriesKeywordsTop PageCountTop Entry Page
Google, Google AustraliaAustralia, United Statespygmy possum14 Front Page (4)
Google Images, Google Images India, Google UAE ImagesN/A, United Arab Emirates, United Stateschildbirth173 View Product: item (3)
Yahoo ImagesCanada, United Statesbirthday greetings12 View Product: item (2)
Google IndiaIndia"aftab singh" "horoscopes11 Events Directory (1)
Google AustraliaAustralia"ask and it is given"11 View Product: Ask and It Is Given (1)
GoogleGermany"cosmic tarot" images deck 7821 View Product Group: Tarot Cards (1)
Google AustraliaAustralia"douglas peacock" healing11 View Course Group: Spiritual Healing (1)
Google AustraliaAustralia"endorsed backpacks"11 View News Item: Watch out for your child's back health (1)
Google AustraliaAustralia"food additives"sue treffers11 View Product: Food Additives (1)
Google CanadaCanada"nicole rigato"11 Course Search for: Frank Boffa and Nicole Rigato (1)
Summary (for all searches)  
Total Engines 26 Total Countries 23
Unique Visitors 128 Unique Keywords/Phrases 127
Total Searches 133 Unique Entry Pages 95
Showing top 10 (of: 133) searches  
Top Search Engines
EngineCountriesSearchesTop Search TermTop Entry Page
Google AustraliaAustralia (67)69 tantra melbourne (1) View Practitioner Group: Tantra (4)
GoogleUnited States (12), Australia (5)20 pygmy possum (3) Front Page (3)
Yahoo6 linda goodman products (1) View Product: Brown Mala Bead Necklace with Sandalwood Scent, 550mm (1)
Google UKUnited Kingdom (5)5 bowen technique course adelaide (1) View Product: Serenity Bell, approx. 480mm (1)
Yahoo Images5 birthday greetings (2) View Product: item (4)
Google Canada4 spiritual healer course (1) Course Search for: Frank Boffa and Nicole Rigato (1)
Sensis2 health clinic angel street newtown nsw (1) View Practitioner: Flower Essences/Better Health, Naturally (2)
Google Images2 armistead (1) View Practitioner: Bettina Armistead (1)
Google South Africa2 analysing dreams (1) View Product Group: Pendants (1)
Google New Zealand2 adrian workman pygmy possum au (1) View Practitioner: Energy/Space Clearing/Adrian Workman (2)
Total (All Searches) 23 Countries 133 pygmy possum (4) View Product: item (9)
Showing top 10 (of: 26) Search Engines by searches, only showing Countries that have 5 or more searches except where for the particular Search Engine there is only a single search for the country  
Top Entry Pages
PageSite AreaVisitors 
Front PageFront Page50 
View Product: itemOnline Shop14 
View Supplier: itemSuppliers7 
View Modality (Practitioner)Practitioners6 
Links PageUnknown5 
Rooms/Space for Rent DirectoryRooms5 
View Course: itemCourses5 
Supplier DirectorySuppliers4 
View Practitioner Group: TantraPractitioners4 
Article DirectoryArticles3 
Linking Sites
SiteVisitsLinking PagesTop Entry Page
www.altavista.com2/image/results,/image/detail View Product: item (5) View Course Group: Baby and Infant Massage (3)
herbalwholeness.com1/index.php Front Page (3),/custom View Supplier: (2) Events Directory (2) Front Page (2)
compingclub.com2/index.php View Supplier: item (2)
www.alexa.com1/browse/general/ Front Page (2)
www.naturalbloom.com1/links/ Front Page (2) Front Page (2) Supplier Directory (1)
www.nlp-reiki.ca1/reiki.htm Practitioners Search for: reiki (1) View Modality (Practitioner) (1)
www.sonshi.com1/tan.html View Product: Sun Zi's The Art of War (1) Product Directory (1)
www.moonglowonline.com1/links.html Front Page (1) View Practitioner: Susan Steel (1) View Modality (Practitioner) (1)
Totals: 21 22 Front Page (12)
VisitorCountryPages ViewedEngineKeywordsResults PageTimeEntry Page
ip addr hiddenUnited Arab Emirates1Google UAE Images childbirth 1723:26:39View Product: item
ip addr hiddenN/A1Google Images India childbirth 1723:21:26View Product: item
ip addr hiddenAustralia5Google Australia theta healing courses nsw 122:42:15View Practitioner: Simon Prone
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia tantric melbourne 222:41:00View Practitioner Group: Tantra
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia bodywork emotional blocks 122:40:52Practitioner Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia medical bracelet children 122:23:30Product Search for: Jewellery
ip addr hiddenAustralia5Google Australia theta healing nsw 122:17:26View Event: Theta Healing Seminar
ip addr hiddenAustralia8Google Australia salt lamps 122:01:26Links Page
ip addr hiddenAustralia4Google Australia cell level healing nsw 121:59:31View Practitioner Group: Theta Healing
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia tarot courses in melbourne 121:36:02View Course Group: Tarot
ip addr hiddenAustralia10Google Australia pilates space to rent 121:23:43Rooms/Space for Rent Directory
ip addr hiddenSouth Africa1Google South Africa analysing dreams 121:23:34View Modality (Practitioner)
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom1Google UK hotstonekits 121:18:18View Supplier: Frangipani House
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia colloidal silver,free ebooks 121:02:08Links Page
ip addr hiddenNetherlands2Google Netherlands ASTROLOGY AS SELF-DEVELOPMENT articles 120:49:02Article Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia15Google Australia horstmann technique 120:45:46View Course Group: Horstmann Technique
ip addr hiddenAustralia9Sensis health clinic angel street newtown NSW 120:42:31View Practitioner: Flower Essences/Better Health, Naturally
ip addr hiddenMalaysia1Yahoo Images cartoon gemini 120:36:50View Product: The Versatile Gemini
ip addr hiddenAustralia9Sensis healing angel street newtown 120:35:02View Practitioner: Flower Essences/Better Health, Naturally
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia massage room for rent in melbourne 120:33:13Rooms/Space for Rent Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia jitterbug shop brisbane 120:22:00View Product: Jitterbug Perfume Majik Musk Oil, 10ml
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia geopathic stress sydney 120:19:06View Practitioner: Alison Wilson
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia gold coast psychic expo 120:15:43Events Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia chinese destiny chart of prime ministers 320:04:50View Article: 2006 - Year of the Dog
ip addr hiddenAustralia2Google Australia Images angel intuitive 420:02:22View Course Group: Angel Intuitive Readings
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia wooden laughing buddha 119:56:50View News Item: Top ten Feng Shui tips when selling your home
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Yahoo mala bead necklace 119:56:50View Product: Brown Mala Bead Necklace with Sandalwood Scent, 550mm
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia Possum Digestive system Mouth 119:56:27View Article: Using Colors And Stones With Meditation
ip addr hiddenSaudi Arabia1Google Saudi Arabia Images body changes in pregnancy 319:21:50View Product: item
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia japanese massage melbourne 1019:20:42View Practitioner: Institute of Tantric Studies
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia spiritual sky perfume 119:20:25View Product: Aromatherapy/Spiritual Sky - Night Queen Oil, 10ml (Perfumed Oil)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Yahoo tarto cards 119:17:17Product Search for: tarot
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia Healers directory 419:08:14Links Page
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia bursitis natural therapies 519:02:39Resources Search for: massage
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia paraffin head lice treatment 218:44:22Supplier Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia4Google rock lily natural health 118:28:10View Practitioner Group: Ka Huna Massage
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google Soulmate by deepak chopra 118:13:39View News Item: Deepak Chopra book 'Soulmate' to be made into film
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom1Google UK kryon pagan 218:10:05View Product: Meditation/The Parables of Kryon
ip addr hiddenAustralia14Google Australia smudge sticks 118:03:39Product Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google Australia michael wheeler 117:59:13View Course Group: Tea Leaf Reading (Tasseomancy)
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google Australia purchase bach flower remedies practitioner kit 117:58:56Supplier Directory
ip addr hiddenHong Kong6Google Australia stormie lewis kahuna 117:48:31View Practitioner: Cultural Bodywork/bernadette guzzo
ip addr hiddenHong Kong6Google Australia stormie lewis kahuna massage 117:45:05View Course Group: Ka Huna Massage
ip addr hiddenAustralia2Google Australia pygmy possum 117:40:42Front Page
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia sara edelman how to change your thinking 117:35:00View Product: Change Your Thinking
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia thai ornament 117:24:36View Product Group: Buddhas
ip addr hiddenNew Zealand5Google New Zealand adrian workman pygmy possum au 117:13:53View Practitioner: Energy/Space Clearing/Adrian Workman
ip addr hiddenAustralia5Google Australia brandon Bays cd 117:06:15View Product: Meditation for Children
ip addr hiddenAustralia5Google Australia the journey workshops 116:58:13View News Item: Brandon Bays last The Journey workshops in Australia
ip addr hiddenAustralia6Google Australia tantric massage 316:55:55View Practitioner Group: Tantra
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia Book of iridology 116:44:53View Product: Practical Iridology
ip addr hiddenBrazil2Yahoo Australia/NZ ayurvedic massage 116:43:49View Practitioner Group: item
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom1Google UK Images archetype cards 316:17:25View Product: Archetype Cards
ip addr hiddenAustralia5Google Australia swedish massage sydney mosman 115:59:23View Practitioner Group: Relaxation/Swedish Massage
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google yoga classes leichhardt 215:53:39View Practitioner Group: Yoga
ip addr hiddenUnited States5Google find feng shui bagwa pendants 115:51:05View Product Group: Pendants
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia emma sutherland 115:47:35View Practitioner: Emma Sutherland
ip addr hiddenUnited States1MSN tania cotterell hypnobirthing 115:45:12Product Search for: Tania Cotterell
ip addr hiddenAustralia9Google Australia hypnobirthing cd 115:43:21View Product: item
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google history of chien tung fortune telling 115:34:10View Course: Angel Intuitive Readings/Women in Essence
ip addr hiddenUnited States3Google sitting laughing buddha 115:30:35View Product Group: Buddhas
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google reiki yarraville 115:02:09View Product: Reiki Essence
ip addr hiddenAustralia4Google Australia correspondence registered yoga teaching 214:51:43View Course Group: Ayurvedic Medicine
ip addr hiddenIran, Islamic Republic of1Google free pictur of gye 114:45:03View Practitioner: Gye Bennetts
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia the journey brandon 114:37:03View News Item: Brandon Bays last The Journey workshops in Australia
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia cameron burgess 114:36:56View Practitioner: Cameron Burgess
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia property for lease large space for fitness 114:30:32Rooms/Space for Rent Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia healing stones 914:24:04View Modality (Practitioner)
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google meditation thankfulness 114:21:32View Article: Gratitude, Thankfulness & Appreciation - Exercise 1
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google hot rocks therapy 114:20:16View Practitioner Group: Hot Rocks Therapy
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia healing with hands reiki NSW 214:18:21View Course Group: Reiki
ip addr hiddenAustralia12Google Australia lomi lomi massage melbourne 114:16:03View Practitioner Group: Heartworks Lomi Lomi Massage
ip addr hiddenAustralia16Google Australia orion dna healing practitioners 113:57:59View Practitioner Group: Theta Healing
ip addr hiddenKorea, Republic of1Naver strand light 113:42:05View Product: Single Strand Light Catcher with Hearts and Mirrors, 1100mm
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia steve hurl massage 113:39:07View Room/Space for Rent: Total Body Health Clinic Pty Ltd
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Yahoo batchelor of natropathy brisbane 113:37:15Resources Search for: natural medicine
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia Nag Champa Soap 413:33:01View Supplier: Soap n' Scents
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google Images childbirth 1813:14:07View Product: item
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google Australia studio spaces for rent 213:06:56Rooms/Space for Rent Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia "food additives"Sue Treffers 112:53:55View Product: Food Additives
ip addr hiddenAustralia5Google Australia "douglas peacock" healing 112:50:10View Course Group: Spiritual Healing
ip addr hiddenN/A1Google Canada kama indian oil 112:46:12View Product Group: Kama Indian Love Oil Products
ip addr hiddenUnited States2Google pygmy possum 112:37:58Front Page
ip addr hiddenAustralia2Google Australia what can a possum do 112:32:26View Article: Do you believe in the Tarot
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google learn Theta healing, Kentucky 112:27:55Events Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia9Google Australia male tantric massage 111:57:58View Practitioner Group: Tantra
ip addr hiddenUnited States2Google Possum bodies 111:47:42Practitioner Directory
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Yahoo linda goodman products 111:30:58Product Search for: Linda Goodman
ip addr hiddenNew Zealand1Google New Zealand adrian workman au 111:27:28View Practitioner: Energy/Space Clearing/Adrian Workman
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia massage package gold coast 710:57:51View Practitioner: Ripple Massage
ip addr hiddenAustralia8Google Australia education possum 510:55:16View Course: Nutrition for Natural Fertility
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google Australia angela drought 110:52:09Supplier Directory
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Yahoo Images birthday greetings 110:48:22View Product: item
ip addr hiddenUnited States4Google how to find bagwa pendants 110:48:21View Product: Bagwa Mirror - metal, red and yellow, 115mm
ip addr hiddenNew Zealand2Yahoo indonesian massage courses 110:42:00View Modality (Practitioner)
ip addr hiddenColombia1Google Colombia Images kids yoga 2310:28:44View Practitioner Group: Yoga
ip addr hiddenAustralia2Google pygmy possum 110:23:25Front Page
ip addr hiddenSweden3Google Sweden Images "tablet of destinies" 510:18:34View Product Group: Fiction
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Yahoo oliver shanti australia 110:09:04Product Search for: Oliver Shanti
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia foot reflexology chart 110:07:52View Product: Foot Reflexology Mini Chart, 15cm x 21cm
ip addr hiddenAustralia2Google pygmy possum 109:50:46Front Page
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia "endorsed backpacks" 109:42:01View News Item: Watch out for your child's back health
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia zen meditation gong 108:59:13View Product: Meditation Gong - wooden, 160mm x 65mm
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom10Google UK bowen technique course adelaide 108:49:36View Course Group: Bowen Therapy
ip addr hiddenAustralia12Google Australia reikie mt tamborine 108:16:37View Practitioner Group: Ka Huna Massage
ip addr hiddenCanada2Google Canada spiritual healer course 108:12:51View Course Group: Spiritual Healing
ip addr hiddenAustralia11Google Australia many lives many masters 108:01:11View Product: Many Lives, Many Masters
ip addr hiddenCanada2Google Canada spiritual counsellor course 107:47:14View Course Group: Spiritual Counselling
ip addr hiddenBrazil1Google Brazil emotinos 107:34:46View Course: Acupuncture/The Five Elements The Five Emotinos
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google That Weird little shop australia 107:24:42View Supplier: That Weird Little Shop
ip addr hiddenAustralia5Google Australia "Ask and it is given" 107:09:25View Product: Ask and It Is Given
ip addr hiddenCanada1Yahoo Images birthday greetings 107:07:27View Product: item
ip addr hiddenGermany1Google "Cosmic tarot" images deck 78 206:24:52View Product Group: Tarot Cards
ip addr hiddenAustralia8Google Australia psychic mediumship development courses 106:20:33View Course Group: Psychic Medium
ip addr hiddenPortugal1Google Portugal "sounds of sirius " 105:00:12View Product: Song of the Earth - Healing with the Sounds of Sirius
ip addr hiddenCanada1Google Canada "Nicole Rigato" 104:39:27Course Search for: Frank Boffa and Nicole Rigato
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google Images armistead 404:05:48View Practitioner: Bettina Armistead
ip addr hiddenIreland1Google Ireland spiritual counsellor 103:56:35View Practitioner Group: Spiritual Counselling
ip addr hiddenAustralia4Google Australia reiki course price brisbane 103:29:27View Course Group: Reiki
ip addr hiddenItaly2Google Italy Images "stefania pallotta" 203:23:29View Practitioner Group: Astrology
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia tantric massage brisbane 203:16:05View Course Group: Massage
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom1Google UK "serenity bell" 103:07:57View Product: Serenity Bell, approx. 480mm
ip addr hiddenIndia2Yahoo Images love greetings 102:55:15View Product: item
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google possum sounds 102:54:58View Article: The Healing Power of Sound
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia tantra brisbane 502:53:08View Course Group: Massage
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Yahoo Images subliminal 4602:24:08View Product: item
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google Australia tantra sexual melbourne 202:12:51View Practitioner: Institute of Tantric Studies
ip addr hiddenSouth Africa1Google South Africa good luck talisman 502:11:35View Product Group: Pendants
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom1Google UK beginners guide to meditation 101:19:25View Article: A Beginners Guide to Meditation
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google Australia tantra melbourne 201:14:30View Practitioner Group: Tantra
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia massage pregnant 100:51:52View Practitioner Group: Pregnancy Massage
ip addr hiddenThailand1Google the body crystal australia 100:40:39View Product: Natural Body Crystal Deodorant
ip addr hiddenIndia3Google India "aftab singh" "horoscopes 100:00:50Events Directory
VisitorCountryVisit TimeFrom/ToPagesDownloadedEntry PageFrom Page
ip addr hiddenCanada0s23:55:24 - 23:55:24125.3 KBView Room/Space for Rent: Poolside TownhouseDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s23:30:26 - 23:30:261169.0 KBRooms/Space for Rent DirectoryDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited Arab Emirates0s23:26:39 - 23:26:39137.6 KBView Product: itemGoogle UAE Images Search for childbirth (page: 17)
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom1m 23s23:23:42 - 23:25:055150.0 KBView Practitioner: Ama NazraDirect Request
ip addr hiddenN/A0s23:21:26 - 23:21:26137.4 KBView Product: itemGoogle Images India Search for childbirth (page: 17)
ip addr hiddenUnited States1s23:02:30 - 23:02:31482.5 KBFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s23:00:39 - 23:00:4020 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom1m 26s22:59:38 - 23:01:04610.1 KB/ben/index.htmlDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s22:54:06 - 22:54:06139.0 KBView Practitioner: itemDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom0s22:51:10 - 22:51:10119.0 KBView Product: Tarot/The Glastonbury Tarot (Card Deck)Direct Request
ip addr hiddenJapan0s22:50:02 - 22:50:02124.2 KBView Room/Space for Rent: Star Cosmetic MedicineDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s22:41:00 - 22:41:00124.6 KBView Practitioner Group: TantraGoogle Australia Search for tantric melbourne (page: 2)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s22:40:52 - 22:40:52171.4 KBPractitioner DirectoryGoogle Australia Search for bodywork emotional blocks (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia29s22:28:10 - 22:28:39391.4 KBView Product Group: RelaxationDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s22:23:30 - 22:23:30137.10 KBProduct Search for: JewelleryGoogle Australia Search for medical bracelet children (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenKorea, Republic of0s22:23:07 - 22:23:07142.2 KB/articles/quick-find.htmlArticle Directory
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s22:23:05 - 22:23:05153.1 KBArticle DirectoryDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia10m 20s22:20:53 - 22:31:1315639.7 KBView Course Group: Usui ReikiDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia27m 13s22:17:26 - 22:44:39583.3 KBView Event: Theta Healing SeminarGoogle Australia Search for theta healing nsw (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s22:14:31 - 22:14:31139.1 KBPractitioners Search for: reiki
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s22:14:02 - 22:14:02138.2 KBView Course: Acupuncture/Auriculotherapy: Clinical Methods of Ear AcupunctuDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia10m 18s22:01:26 - 22:11:448498.0 KBLinks PageGoogle Australia Search for salt lamps (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s22:00:43 - 22:00:4420 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia19m 4s21:56:16 - 22:15:2049887.0 KBLoginDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia3m 46s21:55:45 - 21:59:314120.0 KBView Practitioner Group: Theta HealingGoogle Australia Search for cell level healing nsw (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s21:38:41 - 21:38:41154.4 KBView Practitioner: Susan Steel
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s21:36:02 - 21:36:02138.2 KBView Course Group: TarotGoogle Australia Search for tarot courses in melbourne (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenSouth Africa0s21:24:02 - 21:24:02128.9 KBView Product: 10,000 Dreams InterpretedView Modality (Practitioner)
ip addr hiddenAustralia7m 47s21:23:43 - 21:31:3010389.8 KBRooms/Space for Rent DirectoryGoogle Australia Search for pilates space to rent (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenSouth Africa0s21:23:34 - 21:23:34121.9 KBView Modality (Practitioner)Google South Africa Search for analysing dreams (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom0s21:18:18 - 21:18:18129.0 KBView Supplier: Frangipani HouseGoogle UK Search for hotstonekits (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1m 10s21:04:36 - 21:05:46391.3 KBView Product Group: RelaxationDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s21:02:08 - 21:02:08182.7 KBLinks PageGoogle Australia Search for colloidal silver,free ebooks (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s21:01:18 - 21:01:1920 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s20:53:44 - 20:53:44130.4 KBView Product: Illustrated Pocket Guide to Identifying CrystalsDirect Request
ip addr hiddenNetherlands25s20:49:02 - 20:49:27283.9 KBArticle DirectoryGoogle Netherlands Search for ASTROLOGY AS SELF-DEVELOPMENT articles (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia3m 24s20:43:36 - 20:47:00290.2 KBView Practitioner: Herbal Medicine/Nu-Leaf - Naturopathic Weight & Health SpecialistsDirect Request
ip addr hiddenMalaysia0s20:36:50 - 20:36:5010 BView Product: The Versatile GeminiYahoo Images Search for cartoon gemini (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia9m 21s20:35:02 - 20:44:239276.8 KBView Practitioner: Flower Essences/Better Health, NaturallySensis Search for healing angel street newtown (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia12m 18s20:33:28 - 20:45:4615628.7 KBView Course Group: Horstmann TechniqueGoogle Australia Search for horstmann technique (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s20:33:13 - 20:33:131169.2 KBRooms/Space for Rent DirectoryGoogle Australia Search for massage room for rent in melbourne (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenNorway4m 48s20:32:26 - 20:37:14238.4 KBView Product: item
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s20:22:00 - 20:22:00130.1 KBView Product: Jitterbug Perfume Majik Musk Oil, 10mlGoogle Australia Search for jitterbug shop brisbane (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s20:19:06 - 20:19:06137.1 KBView Practitioner: Alison WilsonGoogle Australia Search for geopathic stress sydney (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s20:15:43 - 20:15:43187.7 KBEvents DirectoryGoogle Australia Search for gold coast psychic expo (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s20:10:00 - 20:10:00137.9 KBView Article: 2005 - Year of the RoosterDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s20:04:50 - 20:04:50139.0 KBView Article: 2006 - Year of the DogGoogle Australia Search for chinese destiny chart of prime ministers (page: 3)
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom28m 40s20:04:42 - 20:33:2217657.7 KBView Course Group: Baby and Infant Massage
ip addr hiddenAustralia3s20:02:19 - 20:02:22235.8 KBView Course Group: Angel Intuitive ReadingsGoogle Australia Images Search for angel intuitive (page: 4)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s20:00:50 - 20:00:5120 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited States1m 58s19:59:57 - 20:01:556140.5 KBView Course: Sutra Studies II & Yoga Sutras ChantingDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia1m 48s19:58:02 - 19:59:5058.4 KB/ben/Direct Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s19:56:50 - 19:56:50125.5 KBView News Item: Top ten Feng Shui tips when selling your homeGoogle Australia Search for wooden laughing buddha (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s19:56:50 - 19:56:50130.0 KBView Product: Brown Mala Bead Necklace with Sandalwood Scent, 550mmYahoo Search for mala bead necklace (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s19:56:27 - 19:56:27140.0 KBView Article: Using Colors And Stones With MeditationGoogle Australia Search for Possum Digestive system Mouth (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUkraine1s19:36:35 - 19:36:36224.2 KBFront Page
ip addr hiddenAustralia11m 17s19:35:37 - 19:46:544107.9 KBView Supplier: www.HarmonyZeoliteDetox.com
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s19:34:15 - 19:34:15116.4 KBView Supplier: item
ip addr hiddenSwitzerland2s19:23:11 - 19:23:13224.3 KBFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenSaudi Arabia0s19:21:50 - 19:21:5010 BView Product: itemGoogle Saudi Arabia Images Search for body changes in pregnancy (page: 3)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s19:20:42 - 19:20:42144.4 KBView Practitioner: Institute of Tantric StudiesGoogle Australia Search for japanese massage melbourne (page: 10)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s19:20:25 - 19:20:25130.4 KBView Product: Aromatherapy/Spiritual Sky - Night Queen Oil, 10ml (Perfumed Oil)Google Australia Search for spiritual sky perfume (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s19:17:17 - 19:17:1710 BProduct Search for: tarotYahoo Search for tarto cards (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s19:08:14 - 19:08:14182.8 KBLinks PageGoogle Australia Search for Healers directory (page: 4)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s19:02:39 - 19:02:39149.4 KBResources Search for: massageGoogle Australia Search for bursitis natural therapies (page: 5)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s19:02:21 - 19:02:2220 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenFrance5m 44s18:49:19 - 18:55:032227 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenKorea, Republic of0s18:49:06 - 18:49:06115.7 KBView Event: quick-findView Event: Messages from Beyond: A Special Evening of Mediumship with Michael Wheeler
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s18:49:01 - 18:49:01126.3 KBView News Item: itemDirect Request
ip addr hiddenGermany0s18:48:53 - 18:48:53121.10 KBView Event: Messages from Beyond: A Special Evening of Mediumship with Michael WheelerDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s18:44:22 - 18:44:221313.5 KBSupplier DirectoryGoogle Australia Search for paraffin head lice treatment (page: 2)
ip addr hiddenKorea, Republic of0s18:43:43 - 18:43:4315 BView Article: quick-findView Article: If At First You Don't Succeed, Good.
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s18:43:40 - 18:43:40139.8 KBView Article: If At First You Don't Succeed, Good.Direct Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia1m 27s18:41:53 - 18:43:20355.3 KBView Supplier: item
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s18:36:28 - 18:36:28124.1 KBFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia1m 22s18:28:10 - 18:29:324295.6 KBView Practitioner Group: Ka Huna MassageGoogle Search for rock lily natural health (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s18:25:44 - 18:25:441222 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenFrance0s18:25:26 - 18:25:26125.1 KBProduct Search for: Birth Sign CardDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s18:13:39 - 18:13:39118.10 KBView News Item: Deepak Chopra book 'Soulmate' to be made into filmGoogle Search for Soulmate by deepak chopra (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenSingapore8m 11s18:12:49 - 18:21:0012681.10 KBView News Item: Call for New Zealand Massage Therapists to be registeredDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom0s18:10:05 - 18:10:05131.0 KBView Product: Meditation/The Parables of KryonGoogle UK Search for kryon pagan (page: 2)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1m 55s18:03:28 - 18:05:23294.0 KBView News Item: Brandon Bays last The Journey workshops in Australia
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s18:00:06 - 18:00:0720 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia52s17:59:12 - 18:00:04260.1 KBProduct Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia39s17:58:34 - 17:59:13382.4 KBView Course Group: Tea Leaf Reading (Tasseomancy)Google Australia Search for michael wheeler (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1m 13s17:57:43 - 17:58:563338.4 KBSupplier DirectoryGoogle Australia Search for purchase bach flower remedies practitioner kit (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia20m 27s17:55:30 - 18:15:5714519.2 KBView Product Group: Smudge SticksGoogle Australia Search for smudge sticks (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s17:46:05 - 17:46:05140.9 KBView Practitioner Group: Spiritual CounsellingDirect Request
ip addr hiddenHong Kong3m 26s17:45:05 - 17:48:316253.7 KBView Course Group: Ka Huna MassageGoogle Australia Search for stormie lewis kahuna massage (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s17:40:41 - 17:40:42224.4 KBFront PageGoogle Australia Search for pygmy possum (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s17:35:00 - 17:35:00131.3 KBView Product: Change Your ThinkingGoogle Australia Search for sara edelman how to change your thinking (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia58s17:30:58 - 17:31:564113.4 KBFront Page
ip addr hiddenTurkey0s17:28:10 - 17:28:10115.8 KBView Event: quick-findView Event: Messages from Beyond: A Special Evening of Mediumship with Michael Wheeler
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s17:28:03 - 17:28:03121.9 KBView Event: Messages from Beyond: A Special Evening of Mediumship with Michael WheelerDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s17:24:36 - 17:24:36147.0 KBView Product Group: BuddhasGoogle Australia Search for thai ornament (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenChina1s17:24:19 - 17:24:20262.8 KBView Room/Space for Rent: itemDirect Request
ip addr hiddenNew Zealand3m 38s17:13:53 - 17:17:31555.5 KBView Practitioner: Energy/Space Clearing/Adrian WorkmanGoogle New Zealand Search for adrian workman pygmy possum au (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenAustralia1s17:00:11 - 17:00:1220 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia8m 52s16:57:23 - 17:06:155132.2 KBView News Item: Brandon Bays last The Journey workshops in AustraliaGoogle Australia Search for the journey workshops (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia4m 3s16:55:55 - 16:59:586258.2 KBView Practitioner Group: TantraGoogle Australia Search for tantric massage (page: 3)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s16:44:53 - 16:44:53131.2 KBView Product: Practical IridologyGoogle Australia Search for Book of iridology (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenBrazil8s16:43:41 - 16:43:49248.1 KBView Modality (Practitioner)Yahoo Australia/NZ Search for ayurvedic massage (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s16:41:21 - 16:41:21139.7 KBView Course: itemDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia4m 8s16:19:11 - 16:23:196110.4 KBFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenN/A0s16:17:55 - 16:17:55182.7 KBLinks PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom0s16:17:25 - 16:17:25130.5 KBView Product: Archetype CardsGoogle UK Images Search for archetype cards (page: 3)
ip addr hiddenKorea, Republic of0s16:07:01 - 16:07:01142.2 KB/articles/quick-find.htmlArticle Directory
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ip addr hiddenAustralia1m 7s15:59:23 - 16:00:305202.9 KBView Practitioner Group: Relaxation/Swedish MassageGoogle Australia Search for swedish massage sydney mosman (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenFrance0s15:55:43 - 15:55:43124.0 KBFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s15:53:39 - 15:53:39138.8 KBView Practitioner Group: YogaGoogle Search for yoga classes leichhardt (page: 2)
ip addr hiddenUnited States37s15:50:28 - 15:51:055179.9 KBView Product Group: PendantsGoogle Search for find feng shui bagwa pendants (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s15:47:35 - 15:47:3510 BView Practitioner: Emma SutherlandGoogle Australia Search for emma sutherland (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s15:45:12 - 15:45:12141.10 KBProduct Search for: Tania CotterellMSN Search for tania cotterell hypnobirthing (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia7m 1s15:43:21 - 15:50:2294.7 MBView Product: itemGoogle Australia Search for hypnobirthing cd (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s15:34:10 - 15:34:10146.5 KBView Course: Angel Intuitive Readings/Women in EssenceGoogle Search for history of chien tung fortune telling (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States20s15:30:35 - 15:30:553107.9 KBView Product Group: BuddhasGoogle Search for sitting laughing buddha (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia38m 1s15:24:13 - 16:02:1419224.8 KBRegister as a Practitioner, part: 2Direct Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia46s15:02:09 - 15:02:553126.9 KBView Product: Reiki EssenceGoogle Search for reiki yarraville (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s15:01:11 - 15:01:1220 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia4m 29s14:47:14 - 14:51:434142.8 KBView Course: Meditation/Diploma of Yoga TeachingGoogle Australia Search for correspondence registered yoga teaching (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenIran, Islamic Republic of0s14:45:03 - 14:45:03136.4 KBView Practitioner: Gye BennettsGoogle Search for free pictur of gye (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenBrazil3s14:40:38 - 14:40:41266.2 KBView Supplier: itemDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia6m 40s14:39:13 - 14:45:5311197.0 KBFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s14:37:03 - 14:37:03123.5 KBView News Item: Brandon Bays last The Journey workshops in AustraliaGoogle Australia Search for the journey brandon (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s14:36:56 - 14:36:56136.0 KBView Practitioner: Cameron BurgessGoogle Australia Search for cameron burgess (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s14:30:32 - 14:30:321169.2 KBRooms/Space for Rent DirectoryGoogle Australia Search for property for lease large space for fitness (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s14:24:04 - 14:24:04122.0 KBView Modality (Practitioner)Google Australia Search for healing stones (page: 9)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s14:21:32 - 14:21:32130.10 KBView Article: Gratitude, Thankfulness & Appreciation - Exercise 1Google Search for meditation thankfulness (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s14:20:16 - 14:20:16138.9 KBView Practitioner Group: Hot Rocks TherapyGoogle Search for hot rocks therapy (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s14:18:21 - 14:18:21152.0 KBView Course Group: ReikiGoogle Australia Search for healing with hands reiki NSW (page: 2)
ip addr hiddenAustralia3m 20s14:14:09 - 14:17:2912374.0 KBView Practitioner Group: Heartworks Lomi Lomi MassageGoogle Australia Search for lomi lomi massage melbourne (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenAustralia8m 17s13:57:59 - 14:06:1616478.1 KBView Practitioner Group: Theta HealingGoogle Australia Search for orion dna healing practitioners (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenBrazil0s13:44:30 - 13:44:30140.0 KBView Practitioner: Mark AnthonyDirect Request
ip addr hiddenKorea, Republic of0s13:42:05 - 13:42:05129.1 KBView Product: Single Strand Light Catcher with Hearts and Mirrors, 1100mmNaver Search for strand light (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s13:39:07 - 13:39:07124.9 KBView Room/Space for Rent: Total Body Health Clinic Pty LtdGoogle Australia Search for steve hurl massage (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s13:37:15 - 13:37:15145.1 KBResources Search for: natural medicineYahoo Search for batchelor of natropathy brisbane (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s13:33:01 - 13:33:01127.1 KBView Supplier: Soap n' ScentsGoogle Australia Search for Nag Champa Soap (page: 4)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s13:15:57 - 13:15:57224.2 KBFront Page
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s13:14:07 - 13:14:07137.3 KBView Product: itemGoogle Images Search for childbirth (page: 18)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1m 47s13:05:09 - 13:06:563361.10 KBRooms/Space for Rent DirectoryGoogle Australia Search for studio spaces for rent (page: 2)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s13:00:42 - 13:00:4320 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s12:53:55 - 12:53:55130.5 KBView Product: Food AdditivesGoogle Australia Search for "food additives"Sue Treffers (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia3m 47s12:50:10 - 12:53:575144.2 KBView Course Group: Spiritual HealingGoogle Australia Search for "douglas peacock" healing (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenN/A0s12:46:12 - 12:46:12135.4 KBView Product Group: Kama Indian Love Oil ProductsGoogle Canada Search for kama indian oil (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s12:37:58 - 12:37:58224.0 KBFront PageGoogle Search for pygmy possum (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia18s12:32:08 - 12:32:26279.8 KBView Course: Meditation/No Buts; You Can do it.Google Australia Search for what can a possum do (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s12:27:55 - 12:27:55187.7 KBEvents DirectoryGoogle Search for learn Theta healing, Kentucky (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s12:19:43 - 12:19:43144.4 KBView Practitioner: Institute of Tantric StudiesDirect Request
ip addr hiddenBrazil15s12:12:43 - 12:12:58279.7 KBView Course: Meditation/Sirius ImaginationDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited States3s12:12:07 - 12:12:10493.5 KBProduct DirectoryDirect Request
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ip addr hiddenAustralia1m 11s11:56:47 - 11:57:589743.2 KBView Practitioner Group: TantraGoogle Australia Search for male tantric massage (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenMexico0s11:48:00 - 11:48:00129.9 KBView Product: Bagwa Mirror - metal, red and yellow, 115mmDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited States6s11:47:36 - 11:47:422104.0 KBView Product: Body Healing MeditationGoogle Search for Possum bodies (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s11:38:12 - 11:38:12224.1 KBFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenChina0s11:36:26 - 11:36:26126.1 KBView Supplier: itemDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s11:30:58 - 11:30:58135.3 KBProduct Search for: Linda GoodmanYahoo Search for linda goodman products (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenBrazil1s11:29:23 - 11:29:24263.2 KBView Room/Space for Rent: itemDirect Request
ip addr hiddenNew Zealand0s11:27:28 - 11:27:28141.10 KBView Practitioner: Energy/Space Clearing/Adrian WorkmanGoogle New Zealand Search for adrian workman au (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s11:01:43 - 11:01:4420 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s10:57:51 - 10:57:51149.2 KBView Practitioner: Ripple MassageGoogle Australia Search for massage package gold coast (page: 7)
ip addr hiddenAustralia17s10:53:03 - 10:53:2060 BProduct Search for: CDDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia4m 49s10:50:27 - 10:55:168294.5 KB/resources/viewGroup/educational.htmlGoogle Australia Search for education possum (page: 4)
ip addr hiddenAustralia2m 28s10:49:41 - 10:52:093340.1 KBSupplier DirectoryGoogle Australia Search for angela drought (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s10:48:35 - 10:48:35131.5 KBView Article: Gratitude, Thankfulness & Appreciation - Exercise 1
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s10:48:22 - 10:48:22118.1 KBView Product: itemYahoo Images Search for birthday greetings (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States38s10:47:43 - 10:48:214155.5 KBView Product Group: PendantsGoogle Search for how to find bagwa pendants (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia34s10:42:58 - 10:43:32471.4 KBFront Page
ip addr hiddenNew Zealand26m 36s10:42:00 - 11:08:36247.2 KBView Modality (Practitioner)Yahoo Search for indonesian massage courses (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenChina0s10:31:05 - 10:31:05137.6 KBView Practitioner: itemDirect Request
ip addr hiddenColombia0s10:28:44 - 10:28:44138.8 KBView Practitioner Group: YogaGoogle Colombia Images Search for kids yoga (page: 23)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s10:23:24 - 10:23:25224.2 KBFront PageGoogle Search for pygmy possum (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenSweden2m 24s10:16:10 - 10:18:34394.4 KBView Product Group: FictionGoogle Sweden Images Search for "tablet of destinies" (page: 5)
ip addr hiddenBrazil1s10:13:00 - 10:13:012115.8 KBRandom Resources SearchDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s10:09:04 - 10:09:04129.7 KBProduct Search for: Oliver ShantiYahoo Search for oliver shanti australia (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s10:07:52 - 10:07:52130.1 KBView Product: Foot Reflexology Mini Chart, 15cm x 21cmGoogle Australia Search for foot reflexology chart (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s10:01:13 - 10:01:1420 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s09:50:45 - 09:50:46224.0 KBFront PageGoogle Search for pygmy possum (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s09:49:03 - 09:49:03128.9 KBView Practitioner Group: Thought-Field TherapyDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s09:43:58 - 09:43:58126.9 KBView News Item: Beautiful Aromatherapy GiftsDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s09:42:01 - 09:42:01126.8 KBView News Item: Watch out for your child's back healthGoogle Australia Search for "endorsed backpacks" (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s09:28:04 - 09:28:04135.9 KBView Practitioner: Psychic Medium/GinaDirect Request
ip addr hiddenCanada0s09:25:33 - 09:25:33149.7 KBView Practitioner: Ripple MassageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s09:01:38 - 09:01:3920 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s08:59:13 - 08:59:13129.6 KBView Product: Meditation Gong - wooden, 160mm x 65mmGoogle Australia Search for zen meditation gong (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom1m 32s08:48:04 - 08:49:3610295.1 KBView Course Group: Bowen TherapyGoogle UK Search for bowen technique course adelaide (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenBrazil0s08:36:56 - 08:36:56127.0 KBView Supplier: Vitale Natu... Body CareDirect Request
ip addr hiddenBrazil1s08:27:53 - 08:27:54288.4 KBView Course: itemDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s08:19:43 - 08:19:43224.3 KBFront Page
ip addr hiddenAustralia21m 41s08:16:37 - 08:38:1812585.2 KBView Practitioner Group: Ka Huna MassageGoogle Australia Search for reikie mt tamborine (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s08:12:58 - 08:12:58139.8 KBView Practitioner Group: Remedial MassageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenBrazil0s08:12:10 - 08:12:10136.3 KBView Practitioner: itemDirect Request
ip addr hiddenBrazil0s08:09:46 - 08:09:46183.0 KBLinks PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenBrazil0s08:09:23 - 08:09:23141.0 KBView Course: itemDirect Request
ip addr hiddenBrazil0s08:06:04 - 08:06:04284.6 KBView Practitioner: Dr Shari ReadDirect Request
ip addr hiddenBrazil0s08:03:24 - 08:03:242114.3 KBView Course: itemDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia14m 38s08:01:11 - 08:15:4911432.6 KBView Product: Many Lives, Many MastersGoogle Australia Search for many lives many masters (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenCanada25m 37s07:47:14 - 08:12:512103.6 KBView Course Group: Spiritual CounsellingGoogle Canada Search for spiritual counsellor course (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia3m 31s07:47:10 - 07:50:41388.6 KBView Course Group: Baby and Infant MassageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited States1s07:44:04 - 07:44:05224.0 KBFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenMexico0s07:41:25 - 07:41:25140.7 KBView Course: Massage/Hot Stone Massage - In-House TrainingDirect Request
ip addr hiddenBrazil0s07:34:46 - 07:34:46138.1 KBView Course: Acupuncture/The Five Elements The Five EmotinosGoogle Brazil Search for emotinos (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s07:24:42 - 07:24:42126.3 KBView Supplier: That Weird Little ShopGoogle Search for That Weird little shop australia (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia3m 48s07:09:25 - 07:13:13566.3 KBView Product: Ask and It Is GivenGoogle Australia Search for "Ask and it is given" (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s07:09:25 - 07:09:25224.4 KBFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenCanada0s07:07:27 - 07:07:27118.1 KBView Product: itemYahoo Images Search for birthday greetings (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenGermany0s06:24:52 - 06:24:52149.6 KBView Product Group: Tarot CardsGoogle Search for "Cosmic tarot" images deck 78 (page: 2)
ip addr hiddenUnited States2s06:18:02 - 06:18:04448.2 KBFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia3m 43s06:16:50 - 06:20:338298.8 KBView Course Group: Psychic MediumGoogle Australia Search for psychic mediumship development courses (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenAustralia1s05:00:51 - 05:00:5220 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenPortugal0s05:00:12 - 05:00:12132.8 KBView Product: Song of the Earth - Healing with the Sounds of SiriusGoogle Portugal Search for "sounds of sirius " (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenNigeria0s04:47:37 - 04:47:371312.9 KBSupplier Directory
ip addr hiddenCanada0s04:39:27 - 04:39:27125.8 KBCourse Search for: Frank Boffa and Nicole RigatoGoogle Canada Search for "Nicole Rigato" (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenFrance0s04:21:53 - 04:21:5310 BView Practitioner: Maree ZimnyDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s04:05:48 - 04:05:48143.6 KBView Practitioner: Bettina ArmisteadGoogle Images Search for armistead (page: 4)
ip addr hiddenUnited States21s04:03:35 - 04:03:56376.9 KBView Product: Sun Zi's The Art of War
ip addr hiddenCanada0s04:02:43 - 04:02:43147.8 KBView Practitioner: Rebekah FisherDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s04:00:51 - 04:00:5220 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenIreland0s03:56:35 - 03:56:35140.6 KBView Practitioner Group: Spiritual CounsellingGoogle Ireland Search for spiritual counsellor (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States42s03:34:42 - 03:35:24232.4 KBView Room/Space for Rent: rivassage theraputic massage centreDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia1m 52s03:24:56 - 03:26:483246.2 KBFront Page
ip addr hiddenItaly5s03:23:24 - 03:23:29240.4 KBView Practitioner Group: AstrologyGoogle Italy Images Search for "stefania pallotta" (page: 2)
ip addr hiddenUnited States13s03:17:25 - 03:17:38263.9 KBView Product: itemDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s03:16:05 - 03:16:05151.8 KBView Course Group: MassageGoogle Australia Search for tantric massage brisbane (page: 2)
ip addr hiddenAustralia20m 46s03:08:41 - 03:29:274145.2 KBView Course Group: ReikiGoogle Australia Search for reiki course price brisbane (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom0s03:07:57 - 03:07:57130.0 KBView Product: Serenity Bell, approx. 480mmGoogle UK Search for "serenity bell" (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s03:01:36 - 03:01:3720 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s02:54:58 - 02:54:58138.4 KBView Article: The Healing Power of SoundGoogle Search for possum sounds (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenIndia1m 22s02:53:53 - 02:55:15238.0 KBView Product: itemYahoo Images Search for love greetings (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s02:53:08 - 02:53:08151.0 KBView Course Group: MassageGoogle Australia Search for tantra brisbane (page: 5)
ip addr hiddenIndia1m 53s02:39:31 - 02:41:24357.2 KBView Product: item
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s02:24:08 - 02:24:08132.3 KBView Product: itemYahoo Images Search for subliminal (page: 46)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1m 30s02:12:51 - 02:14:21350.5 KBView Practitioner: Institute of Tantric StudiesGoogle Australia Search for tantra sexual melbourne (page: 2)
ip addr hiddenSouth Africa0s02:11:35 - 02:11:35147.2 KBView Product Group: PendantsGoogle South Africa Search for good luck talisman (page: 5)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s02:01:31 - 02:01:3220 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenBrazil1s01:51:49 - 01:51:502144.6 KBRandom Resources Search, page: 2Direct Request
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s01:39:26 - 01:39:26123.8 KBView Modality (Practitioner)
ip addr hiddenFinland1s01:25:20 - 01:25:21224.0 KBFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom0s01:19:25 - 01:19:25136.2 KBView Article: A Beginners Guide to MeditationGoogle UK Search for beginners guide to meditation (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenBrazil0s01:13:57 - 01:13:57284.7 KBView Course: itemDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia1m01:13:30 - 01:14:30390.2 KBView Practitioner Group: TantraGoogle Australia Search for tantra melbourne (page: 2)
ip addr hiddenBrazil0s01:13:03 - 01:13:03145.7 KBView Practitioner: Elaine McBrideDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia2m 39s01:12:03 - 01:14:425255.6 KBFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s01:11:40 - 01:11:4010 BProduct Search for: sleepDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s01:01:19 - 01:01:1920 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenN/A1s00:59:56 - 00:59:57260.6 KBView Room/Space for Rent: LimitlessDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s00:51:52 - 00:51:52139.7 KBView Practitioner Group: Pregnancy MassageGoogle Australia Search for massage pregnant (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenBrazil0s00:50:15 - 00:50:15125.10 KBView Supplier: itemDirect Request
ip addr hiddenThailand0s00:40:39 - 00:40:39119.1 KBView Product: Natural Body Crystal DeodorantGoogle Search for the body crystal australia (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenRussian Federation0s00:26:32 - 00:26:32126.7 KBView Supplier: itemDirect Request
ip addr hiddenBulgaria0s00:16:38 - 00:16:38115.8 KBView Event: quick-findView Event: Messages from Beyond: A Special Evening of Mediumship with Michael Wheeler
ip addr hiddenGermany0s00:16:34 - 00:16:34122.0 KBView Event: Messages from Beyond: A Special Evening of Mediumship with Michael WheelerDirect Request
ip addr hiddenChina1s00:13:50 - 00:13:51289.8 KBRooms/Space for Rent Search for: victoriaDirect Request
ip addr hiddenNamibia1m 17s00:01:17 - 00:02:34254.7 KBView Modality (Practitioner)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s00:00:59 - 00:01:0020 BFront PageDirect Request