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page logo visitor summary: Tue, 08/May/2007
visitor summary: Tue, 08/May/2007
From - To 08/May/2007 00:02:54 - 08/May/2007 23:57:55
Visits 369
Total Visit Time 12h 38m 24s Average Visit Time 2m 3s
Pages 2,334 - 83.0 MB Average Pages 6
Entry Summary
Direct Requests 34% 125 From Search Engines 56% 208
From Linking Sites 10% 36 Front Page 17% 63
Direct Front Page 11% 42 Top Entry Page Front Page (63 visitors)
Searches Summary
Engine(s)CountriesKeywordsTop PageCountTop Entry Page
Google, Google AustraliaAustralia, United Statespygmy possum15 Front Page (5)
Yahoo Images, Yahoo Singapore Images, Yahoo UK & Ireland ImagesHong Kong, Singapore, United Kingdom, United Statesbirthday greetings14 View Product: item (4)
Google, Google CanadaCanada, United Statesswedish massage description13 View Modality (Practitioner) (3)
Google AustraliaAustralia2 day swedish massage course12 View Course Group: Relaxation/Swedish Massage (2)
Google AustraliaAustraliaemma macri12 View Room/Space for Rent: Innervative Health (2)
Google, Google AustraliaAustralia, United Kingdomemma sutherland12 View Practitioner: Emma Sutherland (2)
Google AustraliaAustraliapossum12 Front Page (2)
Google FranceFrancerebekah dee42 View Practitioner: Rebekah Fisher (2)
GoogleAustraliashop space for rent in brisbane12 Rooms/Space for Rent Directory (2)
Google AustraliaAustralia"anthony middlemiss"11 View Practitioner: Naturopath Chatswood - Anthony Middlemiss (1)
Summary (for all searches)  
Total Engines 27 Total Countries 20
Unique Visitors 208 Unique Keywords/Phrases 202
Total Searches 217 Unique Entry Pages 130
Showing top 10 (of: 217) searches  
Top Search Engines
EngineCountriesSearchesTop Search TermTop Entry Page
Google AustraliaAustralia (127)128 2 day swedish massage course (2) Rooms/Space for Rent Directory (10)
GoogleUnited States (22), Australia (12)39 pygmy possum (3) Front Page (6)
Yahoo ImagesUnited States (9)10 birthday greetings (2) View Product: item (6)
Google UKUnited Kingdom (5)5 cat incense (1) View Product Group: Incense Sticks (2)
MSN Live Search4 new age (1) Product Search for: sleep (1)
Google Images3 african violet (1) View Product: Spiritual Sky - African Violet Oil, 10ml (1)
Google France2 rebekah dee (2) View Practitioner: Rebekah Fisher (2)
Google IndiaIndia (1), N/A (1)2 jupiter indian astrology (1) Supplier Directory (1)
Yahoo2 pygmy chants (1) View Product: Kundalini Yoga/Chakra Healing Chants (1)
Google BrazilNorway (1), Brazil (1)2 perfume queen of the night (1) View Product: Aromatherapy/Spiritual Sky - Night Queen Oil, 10ml (Perfumed Oil) (1)
Total (All Searches) 20 Countries 217 pygmy possum (5) Rooms/Space for Rent Directory (17)
Showing top 10 (of: 27) Search Engines by searches, only showing Countries that have 5 or more searches except where for the particular Search Engine there is only a single search for the country  
Top Entry Pages
PageSite AreaVisitors 
Front PageFront Page63 
Rooms/Space for Rent DirectoryRooms18 
Supplier DirectorySuppliers11 
View Product: itemOnline Shop10 
View Modality (Practitioner)Practitioners7 
Course DirectoryCourses6 
Events DirectoryEvents6 
Links PageUnknown6 
Product Search for: sleepOnline Shop4 
Linking Sites
SiteVisitsLinking PagesTop Entry Page
search.mywebsearch.com2/mywebsearch/AJmain.jhtml,/mywebsearch/GGmain.jhtml View Product: item (2) View Course: Ka Huna Massage/Lomi Lomi Discovery (1) Front Page (2) Product Search for: sleep (2) Front Page (2)
www.altavista.com2/image/results View Product: "Do not stand at my grave and weep..." - Greetings Card (1)
www.aromatherapy-essential-oils.ws1/links_1.html Front Page (2)
polliwog.sourceforge.net1/polliwoging-101.html Front Page (2) Front Page (2) Front Page (2) Links Page (1)
www.nlp-reiki.ca1/reiki.htm Practitioners Search for: reiki (1) Product Search for: Translated by Dr Han Hiong Tan (1) Front Page (1) Product Search for: sleep (1) View Product: Deep Tissue Massage/Tibetan Chakra Meditations (1)
home.bellsouth.net1/s/s.dll Supplier Directory (1) View Course Group: Spiritual Counselling (1)
www.righthealth.com1/search View Course Group: Hand Reflexology (1)
Totals: 21 21 Front Page (13)
VisitorCountryPages ViewedEngineKeywordsResults PageTimeEntry Page
ip addr hiddenCanada1Google Canada pure care 123:57:55View Supplier: The Pure Care Company
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia the raindrop technique 123:57:52View Course: Aromatherapy/Raindrop Technique 1 Day Workshop
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google 123:51:17View Course: Psychic Medium/Contacting the Spirit World
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia wendy-joy smith 123:43:07View Article: Reiki - What is it
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google massage rooms for rent 123:37:32Rooms/Space for Rent Directory
ip addr hiddenUnited States2Yahoo Images thinking of you card 1123:36:28View Product: item
ip addr hiddenGermany1Google Germany www, 123:32:07View News Item: Brandon Bays last The Journey workshops in Australia
ip addr hiddenAustralia5MSN Australia share office space in cbd brisbane 223:26:40Rooms/Space for Rent Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia5Google Australia healing room hire Victoria 123:24:25Rooms/Space for Rent Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia hot stone set 223:13:58Supplier Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia5Google Australia Heart 122:50:16Rooms/Space for Rent Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia Sandra mini* astrologer 122:43:18View Product: Australian Bush Flower Essences/Chakras Mini Kit (Book)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia yoga classes in hornsby area 122:42:00Rooms/Space for Rent Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia18Google Australia 222:33:45Front Page
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia quartz crystal singing bowls wholesale 222:33:11Supplier Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia4Google Australia space for rent, brisbane 122:32:10Rooms/Space for Rent Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia5Google Australia crystal healing courses vic 122:29:24View Course Group: Crystal Healing
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia affirmation cards for kids 122:04:36View News Item: Crystal Rainbow release their first illustrated children's book
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia salt crystal lamps perth wa 122:00:31Supplier Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia5Google Australia mctimoney clinic,melbourne 121:55:40View Practitioner Group: Bowen Therapy
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google spiritual sky frangipani fragrance 121:55:11View Product Group: Perfumed Oils
ip addr hiddenAustralia5Google Australia mctimoney practitioners,melbourne 121:54:20View Practitioner: Queen Street Chiropractic
ip addr hiddenAustralia6Google reiki huna course perth 121:53:42Course Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia5Google Australia mctimoney,melbourne 121:53:08View Product: Osteopathy/The Essentials of McTimoney Chiropractic
ip addr hiddenAustralia5Google Australia mctimoney 121:51:39View Product: The Essentials of McTimoney Chiropractic
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google Australia Images tantric massage site:au 221:50:50View Practitioner Group: Tantra
ip addr hiddenThailand1Google Thailand spiritual counselling 121:50:27View Course Group: Spiritual Counselling
ip addr hiddenNorway4Google Brazil Perfume Queen of the Night 421:42:15View Product: Aromatherapy/Spiritual Sky - Night Queen Oil, 10ml (Perfumed Oil)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Katnip potions aromatherapy opening hours 121:40:32Front Page
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia room to let melbourne 221:40:26Rooms/Space for Rent Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia kundalini 121:35:49View Article: Kundalini - A Love Affair
ip addr hiddenFrance1Google France rebekah dee 421:35:35View Practitioner: Rebekah Fisher
ip addr hiddenAustralia6Google Australia Hypnobirthing Townsville 221:34:34View Product: Hand Reflexology/Alternative Therapies For Pregnancy And Birth
ip addr hiddenAustralia5Google Australia tarot readers in sydney's eastern suburbs 121:28:11View Practitioner Group: Tarot
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia isbn 0-9628190-3-4 121:24:13View Practitioner: Tamsyn Rosenberg
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia Usui reiki in Melbourne 121:23:59View Event: USUI REIKI WORKSHOP
ip addr hiddenAustralia2Google Australia pregnancy massage course 121:23:50View Course Group: Pregnancy Massage
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Yahoo pygmy chants 121:14:26View Product: Kundalini Yoga/Chakra Healing Chants
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia theta magic 121:13:02View Practitioner: Nikki Owen
ip addr hiddenIndia1Google Images India "children lines" 621:05:35View Product: Palmistry Revealed
ip addr hiddenAustralia7Google Australia tantra massage 221:02:53View Practitioner Group: Tantra
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom4Google UK Rainforest incense 121:00:27View Product Group: Incense Sticks
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom2Yahoo UK & Ireland Images BIRTHDAY GREETINGS 120:55:48View Product: item
ip addr hiddenSingapore1Yahoo Singapore Images Birthday Greetings 120:45:21View Product: item
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google Australia No Keywords 120:32:10Rooms/Space for Rent Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia2Google Australia pregnancy massage brisbane 120:27:43View Practitioner Group: Pregnancy Massage
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom1Google emma sutherland 120:24:07View Practitioner: Emma Sutherland
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia tinnitus naturopathic sydney 120:20:33View Practitioner: Meditation/Lyn Craven
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia Bowen therapy Sydney 120:17:21View Practitioner Group: Bowen Therapy
ip addr hiddenAustralia2Google Australia jeanette meren 120:16:03View Practitioner Group: Theta Healing
ip addr hiddenSouth Africa1Google cleansing your home with sage 120:13:07View Product Group: Smudge Sticks
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia crystal bookmarks 320:04:23View News Item: item
ip addr hiddenAustralia4Google Australia tantra lessons sydney 120:02:14View Practitioner: Institute of Tantric Studies
ip addr hiddenIndia1Google children lines palmistry 1019:42:29View Product: Palmistry Revealed
ip addr hiddenAustralia5Google Australia brandon kay "the journey" 119:36:07View Product: Herbal Medicine/The Journey (TM) for Kids (Book)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia michael wheeler 119:25:09Events Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google Australia hot stone massage business in nsw 119:19:42Supplier Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia5Google Australia naturopath chatswood 119:18:13View Practitioner: NEIL FREDERIKSEN NATUROPATH CHATSWOOD
ip addr hiddenAustralia14Google Australia svaroopa yoga 119:07:20View Practitioner Group: Svaroopa Yoga
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia hot cold stones training 118:51:32View Supplier: Hahana Stone Massage
ip addr hiddenIndia1Google India VASTU SEMI STONE FOR DIRECTION 318:46:29Supplier Directory
ip addr hiddenSingapore1Yahoo Singapore zi wei duo shu 118:28:56View Practitioner: Edgar Yung
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ip addr hiddenAustralia1MSN Live Search new age 318:19:27Product Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia6Google Australia crystal healing classes in perth australia 118:16:54View Course Group: Spiritual Healing
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia DNA realigning 118:12:51Links Page
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google Australia features of pygmy possum 118:10:28Advertise with us
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google looks of pygmy possum 118:10:14/directory-content-policy.html
ip addr hiddenAustralia4Google Australia Ayurvedic medicine Course 118:00:58View Course Group: Ayurvedic Medicine
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google tantric massage sydney 517:56:43View Practitioner Group: Tantra
ip addr hiddenAustralia1MSN Live Search dance studio to rent Melbourne 117:51:03Rooms/Space for Rent Directory
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google Australia MEDITATION ROZELLE 117:47:05View Article: Waking Up
ip addr hiddenAustralia5Google Australia Margaret Tacey 117:42:35View Product: Aussie Indigos
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia psychic development correspondence nsw 217:34:37Links Page
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google Australia emma sutherland melbourne 117:28:09View Practitioner Group: Nutrition
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google titania's fortune cards 117:26:45View Product: Titania's Fortune Cards
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google Australia emma sutherland 117:26:41View Practitioner: Emma Sutherland
ip addr hiddenAustralia14Google Australia the taos health sex and longevity book 217:20:48View Practitioner: Mandy Jolic
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Yahoo Images psychic abilities 917:13:14View Product: EMF Balancing Technique/Unleashing Your Psychic Potential
ip addr hiddenAustralia5Google Australia marble massage stones 117:03:21Supplier Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia possums body structure 117:03:16View Article: The Healing Power of Sound
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google Australia course ear candling 117:00:24View Course Group: Hopi Ear Candling
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google Australia gye bennetts 116:53:08View Practitioner: Gye Bennetts
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia donvale chiropractic centre 116:53:03View Room/Space for Rent: Donvale Chiropractic Centre
ip addr hiddenIndia13Google stormie lewis cultural bodywork 116:42:49View Course Group: Ka Huna Massage
ip addr hiddenAustralia6Google Australia Correspondence courses for crystal healing 116:31:14Course Directory
ip addr hiddenN/A20Yahoo Australia/NZ clinic room rent cleveland 116:29:43View Practitioner Group: BodyTalk
ip addr hiddenAustralia24Google Australia brian alexander clairvoyant 116:27:48View Practitioner: Susan Steel
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google benporath 116:22:08View Practitioner: David Benporath - Homoeopathic Physician
ip addr hiddenFrance1Google France rebekah dee 416:21:53View Practitioner: Rebekah Fisher
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia room rent for share room in hornsby 115:39:37Rooms/Space for Rent Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia6Google Australia 1 shuter street 115:30:09View Room/Space for Rent: number one shuter street
ip addr hiddenAustralia2Google Australia "mind, body and spirit" 115:17:25Front Page
ip addr hiddenAustralia12Google Australia edmund Harold 615:15:23View Practitioner: Louise Andersen
ip addr hiddenAustralia20Google Australia rooms available for massage therapy sydney 115:13:12Rooms/Space for Rent Search for: massage
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google Australia remedial massage newtown 115:12:40View Practitioner Group: Remedial Massage
ip addr hiddenAustralia10MSN Australia online new age books 115:10:12Product Directory
ip addr hiddenN/A1Google India jupiter indian astrology 615:06:00View Article: The Ancient Art of Vedic Astrology
ip addr hiddenAustralia20Google Australia pregnancy massage courses sydney 115:01:44View Course Group: Pregnancy Massage
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia hahana hot stones 114:59:11View Course: Massage/Hot Stone Massage - In-House Training
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ip addr hiddenAustralia2Google Australia pygmy possum 114:39:20Front Page
ip addr hiddenAustralia5Google Australia reiki courses melbourne 114:35:57View Course Group: Usui Reiki
ip addr hiddenIndonesia2Google Idonesia Images FOOD ADDITIVE 114:33:20View Product: Food Additives
ip addr hiddenAustralia20Google Australia medical rooms for lease hornsby 114:31:47Rooms/Space for Rent Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia brisbane hot stone supplies 114:29:20View Supplier: Hahana Stone Massage
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia frangipani meaning 114:27:17View Practitioner: Frangipani House
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Yahoo Images purple fairies 1814:22:42View Product: "Off With The Fairies" Sticker - Pink and Purple, 22.5cm x 6.5cm
ip addr hiddenAustralia10Google Australia psychic surgery queensland 114:21:58View Practitioner Group: Psychic Surgery
ip addr hiddenAustralia10Google Australia aura learn melbourne 114:20:03Events Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia2Google Australia acupressure AND practitioners 114:20:02View Practitioner Group: Acupressure
ip addr hiddenAustralia20Google Australia podiatry rooms for lease 114:15:50Rooms/Space for Rent Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia naturopathic degrees brisbane 114:14:44Resources Search for: natural medicine
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia 2 day swedish massage course 113:58:16View Course Group: Relaxation/Swedish Massage
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Yahoo myotherapy courses 113:58:10View Course Group: Myotherapy
ip addr hiddenAustralia2Google Australia 2 day swedish massage course 113:54:11View Course Group: Relaxation/Swedish Massage
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia another way website by louise anderson 113:48:59View Practitioner: Louise Andersen
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Images Hot Stones massage 613:48:06View Supplier: Frangipani House
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia angels workshop central coast nsw 2007 113:47:59Events Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia adrian workman 113:42:30View Practitioner: Energy/Space Clearing/Adrian Workman
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia possum colour in 113:41:26View Course Group: Colour Therapy
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia possum man mona vale 113:40:42View Supplier: A Distributor of Natural Cellular Defense
ip addr hiddenAustralia4Google Australia past life regression 113:33:44View Practitioner Group: Past Life Regression
ip addr hiddenAustralia6MSN Live Search sleep problems 113:31:50Product Search for: sleep
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia studioline yoga 113:30:19View Supplier: Studioline
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ip addr hiddenAustralia2Google Australia psychic seminars central coast nsw 2007 113:06:28Events Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia4Google Australia "Anthony Middlemiss" 112:51:27View Practitioner: Naturopath Chatswood - Anthony Middlemiss
ip addr hiddenAustralia24Google Australia psychic expo melbourne 212:45:05Events Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia2Google Australia the journey australia brandon bays 112:44:21View News Item: Brandon Bays last The Journey workshops in Australia
ip addr hiddenUnited States2Yahoo Images birthday greetings card 212:40:36View Product: item
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google Australia rekindled ancient wisdom 112:36:11View Course Group: Rekindled Ancient Wisdom (RAW)
ip addr hiddenAustralia12Google Australia past life regression nsw 112:35:47View Practitioner Group: Past Life Regression
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google Australia past life regression sydney 112:31:33View Practitioner Group: Past Life Regression
ip addr hiddenAustralia2Google pygmy possum 112:30:24Front Page
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google "trish leonard" 112:27:47View Practitioner: Trish Leonard
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia massage wynnum 112:16:41View Product: Foot Reflexology Mini Chart, 15cm x 21cm
ip addr hiddenAustralia2Google Australia pure sanctum 112:10:38View Room/Space for Rent: Pure Sanctum Day Spa Fitzroy
ip addr hiddenAustralia2Google Australia pure sanctum fitzroy 112:04:48View Room/Space for Rent: Pure Sanctum Day Spa Fitzroy
ip addr hiddenUnited States2Google "pygmy possum" 112:04:22Front Page
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google Australia astral travel groups brisbane 111:57:19View Product: Past Life Regression/Astral Projection for Beginners
ip addr hiddenAustralia3MSN Live Search therapeutic product suppliers nsw sydney 111:56:34Supplier Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia2Google Australia possum 111:34:11Front Page
ip addr hiddenUnited States2Google swedish massage description 111:26:58View Modality (Practitioner)
ip addr hiddenAustralia5Google Australia sports massage brisbane taringa 111:26:52View Practitioner Group: Sports Massage
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google Australia ear candling courses 111:19:30View Course Group: Hopi Ear Candling
ip addr hiddenAustralia29Google Australia swedish massage wollongong 211:14:37View Course Group: Ka Huna Massage
ip addr hiddenAustralia21Google shop space for rent in Brisbane 111:14:36Rooms/Space for Rent Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia42Google shop space for rent in brisbane 111:14:00Rooms/Space for Rent Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia psychic interpretation perfume empty room 111:02:24Links Page
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia red jasper 210:39:54View Article: Using Colors And Stones With Meditation
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Yahoo Images Ancient symbol for success 110:37:01View Product: The Celtic Stone of Good Fortune - Fehu
ip addr hiddenAustralia2Google Australia rock lily warriewood 110:35:40View Practitioner Group: Ka Huna Massage
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia theta healing melbourne 110:35:24View Event: Theta Healing Introduction 7pm to 9pm
ip addr hiddenAustralia38Google Australia Wholesale singing bowls 110:33:08Supplier Directory
ip addr hiddenN/A3Google Gold Prosperity Coin 210:31:32View Product Group: Coins and Ingots
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google Australia crystal courses 110:30:01View Course Group: Crystal Healing
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia Emma Macri 110:23:59View Room/Space for Rent: Innervative Health
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia many lives many masters 110:17:27View Product: Many Lives, Many Masters
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia chinese herb suppliers 110:11:43View Supplier: Online Pet Herbs
ip addr hiddenAustralia9Google pygmy possum 110:11:02Front Page
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia emma macri 110:05:35View Room/Space for Rent: Innervative Health
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia herbalist chatswood 110:04:41View Practitioner: NEIL FREDERIKSEN NATUROPATH CHATSWOOD
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia polly ambermoon 109:56:03View Supplier: Ambermoon Designs
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google Australia aura photography 209:54:23Links Page
ip addr hiddenAustralia5Google Australia pygmy 109:37:19Front Page
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia balinese massage 109:32:48View Modality (Practitioner)
ip addr hiddenAustralia2Google Australia thai massage workshops 309:21:23View Course Group: Thai Massage
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia detox body wraps, south yarra 109:17:55Supplier Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google meditation in balaclava 109:16:06View Course Group: Meditation
ip addr hiddenAustralia2Google Australia pygmy possum 109:10:30Front Page
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia touch for health 209:08:11View Course Group: Touch For Health
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ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia beeswax candles brisbane australia 109:02:38Supplier Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia3Google Australia chakra meditation CD 108:46:20View Product: Chakra Breathing Meditation
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google Special Pregnancy Massage Redlands 108:39:46View Practitioner Group: Pregnancy Massage
ip addr hiddenSwitzerland2Google Switzerland Images gift voucher for massage 808:26:25Supplier Directory
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google pregnancy massage st kilda 108:23:13View Practitioner Group: Pregnancy Massage
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Yahoo Images happy birthday greetings 107:33:55View Product: item
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom1Google UK medium courses 107:25:28View Course Group: Psychic Medium
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Yahoo Images you can heal your life book 206:22:41View Product: You Can Heal Your Life
ip addr hiddenUnited States2Yahoo Images true friendship 106:02:37View Product: item
ip addr hiddenBrazil1Google Brazil emotinos 105:51:19View Course: Acupuncture/The Five Elements The Five Emotinos
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google 105:09:12View Room/Space for Rent: Total Body Health Clinic Pty Ltd
ip addr hiddenUnited States3Google rebirthing practitioners 104:23:00View Practitioner Group: Rebirthing
ip addr hiddenUnited States2Google rent clinic space 204:18:26Rooms/Space for Rent Directory
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom7Google UK reiki self development 304:06:55View Article Group: Self-Development
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia psychic medium Queensland 103:26:21View Course Group: Psychic Medium
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia electric vaporiser white 403:03:44View Practitioner: Alchemy Coaching and Consulting
ip addr hiddenUnited States2Yahoo UK & Ireland Images when the first baby laughed 103:00:50View Product: "When the first baby laughed for the first time..." - Greetings Card
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google kripalu Dr. Eric Pearl workshop registration 102:56:25Course Directory
ip addr hiddenMexico2Google Mexico karen kingston courses 2007 102:46:40View Course: Clear Your Clutter and Space Clearing
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google osteosclerosis of the ear 102:46:13View Article: Ear Candling for Ear Health
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google standing buddha laughing 102:39:37View Product Group: Buddhas
ip addr hiddenAustralia2Google Australia Possum 102:33:51Front Page
ip addr hiddenHong Kong2Yahoo Images birthday greetings 102:30:42View Product: item
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google interpreting a portrait with bad posture 101:53:19Practitioner Directory
ip addr hiddenGreece1Google Greece shirley barber spellbound 101:37:17View Product: Spellbound A Fairy Jigsaw Book
ip addr hiddenAustralia1Google Australia BRANDON BAYS 101:30:46View News Item: Brandon Bays last The Journey workshops in Australia
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google swedish massage description 101:30:43View Modality (Practitioner)
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom1Google UK autumn equinox and natural health 101:28:18View Article: 2005 - Year of the Rooster
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google deep tissue massage description 101:22:57View Modality (Practitioner)
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google Images grimoire for the green witch 201:19:12View Product Group: Wicca
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom1Google UK cat incense 201:14:56View Product Group: Incense Sticks
ip addr hiddenSingapore1Google Singapore what is balinese massage 101:14:11View Modality (Practitioner)
ip addr hiddenCanada2Google Canada swedish massage description 101:12:32View Modality (Practitioner)
ip addr hiddenTurkey1Google Turkey Leanne Cooper 101:08:16View Course: Nutrition for Natural Fertility
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google pygmy-possum 100:55:24Front Page
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google myofascial release courses 100:45:16View Course Group: Myofascial Release
ip addr hiddenUnited States5Google myofascial release practitioners 100:42:33View Practitioner Group: Myofascial Release
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google Images african violet 300:35:37View Product: Spiritual Sky - African Violet Oil, 10ml
ip addr hiddenUnited States1Google "sandy stevenson" "mental health" 100:26:40View News Item: 'Be Kind to Your Mind' campaign launched in Queensland
ip addr hiddenUnited States2Google pygmy possum 100:11:16Front Page
VisitorCountryVisit TimeFrom/ToPagesDownloadedEntry PageFrom Page
ip addr hiddenCanada0s23:57:55 - 23:57:55126.4 KBView Supplier: The Pure Care CompanyGoogle Canada Search for pure care (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s23:57:52 - 23:57:52141.0 KBView Course: Aromatherapy/Raindrop Technique 1 Day WorkshopGoogle Australia Search for the raindrop technique (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s23:51:17 - 23:51:17143.6 KBView Course: Psychic Medium/Contacting the Spirit WorldGoogle Search for (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s23:49:07 - 23:49:07139.6 KBView Practitioner Group: Bowen TherapyDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s23:43:07 - 23:43:07134.7 KBView Article: Reiki - What is itGoogle Australia Search for wendy-joy smith (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom0s23:42:28 - 23:42:28123.8 KBView Modality (Practitioner)Direct Request
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s23:37:32 - 23:37:321171.6 KBRooms/Space for Rent DirectoryGoogle Search for massage rooms for rent (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States2s23:36:26 - 23:36:28238.0 KBView Product: itemYahoo Images Search for thinking of you card (page: 11)
ip addr hiddenGermany0s23:32:07 - 23:32:07123.4 KBView News Item: Brandon Bays last The Journey workshops in AustraliaGoogle Germany Search for www, (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1m 22s23:25:18 - 23:26:405554.8 KBRooms/Space for Rent DirectoryMSN Australia Search for share office space in cbd brisbane (page: 2)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s23:24:51 - 23:24:511222 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia1m 53s23:22:43 - 23:24:365710.7 KBRooms/Space for Rent DirectoryGoogle Australia Search for healing room hire Victoria (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States5m 58s23:19:17 - 23:25:156170.0 KB/articles/quick-find.html
ip addr hiddenFrance21s23:14:11 - 23:14:322125.7 KBView Product: Pregnancy Massage/Hypnosis CD - Hypnobirthing - Natural & Painless Childbirth
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s23:13:58 - 23:13:581313.4 KBSupplier DirectoryGoogle Australia Search for hot stone set (page: 2)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s23:07:54 - 23:07:54482.9 KBFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s23:02:30 - 23:02:3120 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenRussian Federation1m22:53:54 - 22:54:544121.0 KBView Product: Auric Field Cleansing/Auras (Book)View Product: Auric Field Cleansing/Auras (Book)
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom0s22:53:35 - 22:53:35119.1 KBView Product: "Do not stand at my grave and weep..." - Greetings Card
ip addr hiddenKorea, Republic of0s22:49:56 - 22:49:56142.2 KB/articles/quick-find.htmlArticle Directory
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ip addr hiddenAustralia0s22:43:18 - 22:43:18130.1 KBView Product: Australian Bush Flower Essences/Chakras Mini Kit (Book)Google Australia Search for Sandra mini* astrologer (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s22:42:00 - 22:42:001171.4 KBRooms/Space for Rent DirectoryGoogle Australia Search for yoga classes in hornsby area (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenAustralia0s22:04:36 - 22:04:36120.0 KBView News Item: Crystal Rainbow release their first illustrated children's bookGoogle Australia Search for affirmation cards for kids (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenAustralia4m 32s21:51:39 - 21:56:115189.6 KBView Product: The Essentials of McTimoney ChiropracticGoogle Australia Search for mctimoney (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenAustralia0s21:35:49 - 21:35:49140.8 KBView Article: Kundalini - A Love AffairGoogle Australia Search for kundalini (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenFrance0s21:35:35 - 21:35:35148.4 KBView Practitioner: Rebekah FisherGoogle France Search for rebekah dee (page: 4)
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ip addr hiddenAustralia0s21:33:39 - 21:33:39135.8 KBView Course: Chinese AstrologyDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia7m 10s21:27:24 - 21:34:3461.0 MBView Product: Chakra Balancing/Hypnosis CD - Hypnobirthing - Natural & Painless Childbirth (CD)Google Australia Search for Hypnobirthing Townsville (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenUnited States0s21:14:26 - 21:14:26132.1 KBView Product: Kundalini Yoga/Chakra Healing ChantsYahoo Search for pygmy chants (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenAustralia2m 30s20:29:40 - 20:32:103367.5 KBRooms/Space for Rent DirectoryGoogle Australia Search for Unknown (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenAustralia0s20:17:21 - 20:17:21139.8 KBView Practitioner Group: Bowen TherapyGoogle Australia Search for Bowen therapy Sydney (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenAustralia0s17:03:16 - 17:03:16138.5 KBView Article: The Healing Power of SoundGoogle Australia Search for possums body structure (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenAustralia0s16:22:08 - 16:22:08137.6 KBView Practitioner: David Benporath - Homoeopathic PhysicianGoogle Search for benporath (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenFrance0s16:21:53 - 16:21:53147.4 KBView Practitioner: Rebekah FisherGoogle France Search for rebekah dee (page: 4)
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ip addr hiddenAustralia7m15:52:39 - 15:59:3910596.3 KBView Course Group: Aura Light/Aura-SomaDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s15:39:37 - 15:39:371171.3 KBRooms/Space for Rent DirectoryGoogle Australia Search for room rent for share room in hornsby (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenAustralia0s14:44:44 - 14:44:44138.9 KBView Practitioner Group: Hot Rocks TherapyGoogle Australia Search for massage hot rocks (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenIndonesia5s14:33:15 - 14:33:2020 BView Product: Food AdditivesGoogle Idonesia Images Search for FOOD ADDITIVE (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenAustralia0s14:27:17 - 14:27:17152.7 KBView Practitioner: Frangipani HouseGoogle Australia Search for frangipani meaning (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s14:22:42 - 14:22:42119.2 KBView Product: "Off With The Fairies" Sticker - Pink and Purple, 22.5cm x 6.5cmYahoo Images Search for purple fairies (page: 18)
ip addr hiddenAustralia4m 37s14:21:58 - 14:26:3510445.5 KBView Practitioner Group: Psychic SurgeryGoogle Australia Search for psychic surgery queensland (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenAustralia0s13:56:24 - 13:56:24170.3 KBCourse DirectoryView Course Group: Relaxation/Swedish Massage
ip addr hiddenAustralia3m 40s13:54:11 - 13:57:51265.5 KBView Course Group: Relaxation/Swedish MassageGoogle Australia Search for 2 day swedish massage course (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenAustralia0s13:48:59 - 13:48:59144.0 KBView Practitioner: Louise AndersenGoogle Australia Search for another way website by louise anderson (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenAustralia0s13:48:06 - 13:48:06129.0 KBView Supplier: Frangipani HouseGoogle Images Search for Hot Stones massage (page: 6)
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ip addr hiddenAustralia0s13:42:30 - 13:42:30142.0 KBView Practitioner: Energy/Space Clearing/Adrian WorkmanGoogle Australia Search for adrian workman (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s13:41:26 - 13:41:26135.4 KBView Course Group: Colour TherapyGoogle Australia Search for possum colour in (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s13:40:42 - 13:40:42124.0 KBView Supplier: A Distributor of Natural Cellular DefenseGoogle Australia Search for possum man mona vale (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenAustralia1m 1s12:51:27 - 12:52:28464.0 KBView Practitioner: Naturopath Chatswood - Anthony MiddlemissGoogle Australia Search for "Anthony Middlemiss" (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenChina1s12:46:29 - 12:46:30254.5 KBProduct Search for: Frank Arjava Petter, Tadao Yamaguchi, Chujiro HayashiDirect Request
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ip addr hiddenUnited States6s12:40:30 - 12:40:36236.3 KBView Product: itemYahoo Images Search for birthday greetings card (page: 2)
ip addr hiddenJapan1s12:39:27 - 12:39:28224.0 KBFront Page
ip addr hiddenAustralia46s12:36:11 - 12:36:57371.5 KBView Course Group: Rekindled Ancient Wisdom (RAW)Google Australia Search for rekindled ancient wisdom (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenUnited States0s12:27:47 - 12:27:47136.5 KBView Practitioner: Trish LeonardGoogle Search for "trish leonard" (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia8m 7s12:27:40 - 12:35:4712374.9 KBView Practitioner Group: Past Life RegressionGoogle Australia Search for past life regression nsw (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenPhilippines50s12:18:14 - 12:19:045131.5 KBFront Page
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s12:16:41 - 12:16:41129.9 KBView Product: Foot Reflexology Mini Chart, 15cm x 21cmGoogle Australia Search for massage wynnum (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia5m 50s12:04:48 - 12:10:38231.6 KBView Room/Space for Rent: Pure Sanctum Day Spa FitzroyGoogle Australia Search for pure sanctum fitzroy (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States1s12:04:21 - 12:04:22224.1 KBFront PageGoogle Search for "pygmy possum" (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1m 13s12:03:51 - 12:05:04255.2 KBProduct Search for: sleephttp://
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ip addr hiddenAustralia1s11:59:50 - 11:59:5120 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenChina2s11:57:48 - 11:57:50283.2 KBView Course: Energy/Space Clearing/Usui Reiki Levels I and IIDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia57s11:56:34 - 11:57:313651.8 KBSupplier DirectoryMSN Live Search Search for therapeutic product suppliers nsw sydney (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia55s11:56:24 - 11:57:19392.4 KBView Product: Past Life Regression/Astral Projection for BeginnersGoogle Australia Search for astral travel groups brisbane (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenAustralia0s11:49:36 - 11:49:36172.2 KBRandom Resources SearchDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia2s11:34:09 - 11:34:11224.0 KBFront PageGoogle Australia Search for possum (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States3s11:26:55 - 11:26:58247.5 KBView Modality (Practitioner)Google Search for swedish massage description (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1m 46s11:25:06 - 11:26:525218.0 KBView Practitioner Group: Sports MassageGoogle Australia Search for sports massage brisbane taringa (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia11m 35s11:23:18 - 11:34:5314581.8 KBFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia1h 1m 46s11:18:32 - 12:20:1893328.4 MBAboutFront Page
ip addr hiddenBrazil0s11:17:15 - 11:17:15123.7 KBView Practitioner: itemDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia23m 10s11:14:37 - 11:37:4729955.3 KBView Course Group: Ka Huna MassageGoogle Australia Search for swedish massage wollongong (page: 2)
ip addr hiddenBrazil0s11:14:18 - 11:14:18142.7 KBView Practitioner: Breathe\x02..y%20TherapiesDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia5m 27s11:14:03 - 11:19:30388.1 KBView Course Group: Hopi Ear CandlingGoogle Australia Search for ear candling courses (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s11:08:37 - 11:08:37128.8 KBCourse Search for: Sharon MaxwellDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia18m 45s11:05:37 - 11:24:22421.8 MBRooms/Space for Rent DirectoryGoogle Search for shop space for rent in brisbane (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia11m 23s11:03:13 - 11:14:3621778.1 KBRooms/Space for Rent DirectoryGoogle Search for shop space for rent in Brisbane (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s11:02:24 - 11:02:24182.8 KBLinks PageGoogle Australia Search for psychic interpretation perfume empty room (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenAustralia0s10:39:54 - 10:39:54140.0 KBView Article: Using Colors And Stones With MeditationGoogle Australia Search for red jasper (page: 2)
ip addr hiddenBrazil34s10:39:49 - 10:40:23275.8 KBView Room/Space for Rent: Essential Wellb...utic RetreatsDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s10:38:11 - 10:38:11152.0 KBView Course Group: NaturopathyDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s10:37:01 - 10:37:01118.6 KBView Product: The Celtic Stone of Good Fortune - FehuYahoo Images Search for Ancient symbol for success (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia15s10:35:40 - 10:35:55279.7 KBView Practitioner Group: Ka Huna MassageGoogle Australia Search for rock lily warriewood (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s10:35:24 - 10:35:24123.4 KBView Event: Theta Healing Introduction 7pm to 9pmGoogle Australia Search for theta healing melbourne (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia12m 42s10:33:08 - 10:45:5038777.6 KBSupplier DirectoryGoogle Australia Search for Wholesale singing bowls (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s10:31:32 - 10:31:32138.5 KBPractitioners Search for: reiki
ip addr hiddenN/A59s10:30:33 - 10:31:323117.2 KBView Product Group: Coins and IngotsGoogle Search for Gold Prosperity Coin (page: 2)
ip addr hiddenAustralia2m 13s10:27:48 - 10:30:013133.5 KBView Course Group: Crystal HealingGoogle Australia Search for crystal courses (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenBrazil4s10:24:50 - 10:24:54281.9 KBView Course: itemDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s10:23:59 - 10:23:59124.0 KBView Room/Space for Rent: Innervative HealthGoogle Australia Search for Emma Macri (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s10:17:27 - 10:17:27130.3 KBView Product: Many Lives, Many MastersGoogle Australia Search for many lives many masters (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s10:16:46 - 10:16:46123.1 KBContact UsContact Us
ip addr hiddenAustralia58s10:14:55 - 10:15:53279.9 KBView Practitioner Group: AcupunctureDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s10:11:43 - 10:11:43126.10 KBView Supplier: Online Pet HerbsGoogle Australia Search for chinese herb suppliers (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia2m 3s10:11:01 - 10:13:049121.5 KBFront PageGoogle Search for pygmy possum (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s10:09:02 - 10:09:0210 BFront Page
ip addr hiddenN/A9m 23s10:08:31 - 10:17:5410412.7 KBView Practitioner Group: The Journey Therapy
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s10:05:35 - 10:05:35124.1 KBView Room/Space for Rent: Innervative HealthGoogle Australia Search for emma macri (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenGermany4s10:04:53 - 10:04:57649.5 KBAdd Comment to ArticleAdd Comment to Article
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s10:04:41 - 10:04:41156.7 KBView Practitioner: NEIL FREDERIKSEN NATUROPATH CHATSWOODGoogle Australia Search for herbalist chatswood (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s10:01:11 - 10:01:1220 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s09:56:03 - 09:56:03126.3 KBView Supplier: Ambermoon DesignsGoogle Australia Search for polly ambermoon (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia4m 11s09:54:23 - 09:58:343176.7 KBLinks PageGoogle Australia Search for aura photography (page: 2)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s09:51:11 - 09:51:11138.10 KBView Practitioner: Tamsyn RosenbergDirect Request
ip addr hiddenTurkey0s09:44:25 - 09:44:25115.7 KBView Event: quick-findView Event: Messages from Beyond: A Special Evening of Mediumship with Michael Wheeler
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s09:44:16 - 09:44:16122.0 KBView Event: Messages from Beyond: A Special Evening of Mediumship with Michael WheelerDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia1m 55s09:37:17 - 09:39:125167.9 KBFront PageGoogle Australia Search for pygmy (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s09:32:48 - 09:32:48123.5 KBView Modality (Practitioner)Google Australia Search for balinese massage (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenUnited States0s09:25:40 - 09:25:40121.2 KBRegister a Room/Space for Rent, part: 2Register a Room/Space for Rent
ip addr hiddenUnited States3m 1s09:25:23 - 09:28:24230.1 KBRegister a Room/Space for RentDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia30s09:21:23 - 09:21:53226.5 KBView Course Group: Thai MassageGoogle Australia Search for thai massage workshops (page: 3)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s09:17:55 - 09:17:551313.3 KBSupplier DirectoryGoogle Australia Search for detox body wraps, south yarra (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s09:16:06 - 09:16:06151.5 KBView Course Group: MeditationGoogle Search for meditation in balaclava (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia4s09:10:26 - 09:10:30224.4 KBFront PageGoogle Australia Search for pygmy possum (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s09:08:11 - 09:08:11126.7 KBView Course Group: Touch For HealthGoogle Australia Search for touch for health (page: 2)
ip addr hiddenNew Zealand0s09:03:52 - 09:03:52125.1 KBView News Item: itemGoogle New Zealand Search for feng shui for selling your house (page: 2)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s09:02:38 - 09:02:381313.7 KBSupplier DirectoryGoogle Australia Search for beeswax candles brisbane australia (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s09:01:20 - 09:01:20126.10 KBProduct Search for: Translated by Dr Han Hiong Tan
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ip addr hiddenAustralia1m 54s08:58:01 - 08:59:555192.6 KBPractitioner DirectoryDirect Request
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ip addr hiddenAustralia1m 17s08:46:20 - 08:47:37394.8 KBView Product: Chakra Breathing MeditationGoogle Australia Search for chakra meditation CD (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s08:39:46 - 08:39:46139.5 KBView Practitioner Group: Pregnancy MassageGoogle Search for Special Pregnancy Massage Redlands (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenSwitzerland7s08:26:18 - 08:26:2520 BSupplier DirectoryGoogle Switzerland Images Search for gift voucher for massage (page: 8)
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s08:23:13 - 08:23:13139.5 KBView Practitioner Group: Pregnancy MassageGoogle Search for pregnancy massage st kilda (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia23m 43s08:14:41 - 08:38:2430350.9 KBView Course: itemDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s07:59:51 - 07:59:5220 BFront PageDirect Request
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ip addr hiddenUnited States0s07:33:55 - 07:33:55118.1 KBView Product: itemYahoo Images Search for happy birthday greetings (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom0s07:25:28 - 07:25:28147.8 KBView Course Group: Psychic MediumGoogle UK Search for medium courses (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States3s07:18:21 - 07:18:24280.0 KBView Practitioner Group: Relaxation - Swedish MassageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited States2m 55s07:04:56 - 07:07:51469.3 KBAboutDirect Request
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ip addr hiddenCanada0s06:49:34 - 06:49:34147.7 KBView Practitioner: Rebekah FisherDirect Request
ip addr hiddenNetherlands0s06:42:30 - 06:42:30125.1 KBView News Item: Top ten Feng Shui tips when selling your homeDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s06:39:50 - 06:39:50119.8 KBView Course Group: Hand Reflexology
ip addr hiddenCanada0s06:36:38 - 06:36:38125.0 KBView Room/Space for Rent: Rejuvenation RetreatDirect Request
ip addr hiddenCanada1m 34s06:30:08 - 06:31:423118.0 KBView Practitioner Group: ReflexologyDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s06:22:41 - 06:22:41130.2 KBView Product: You Can Heal Your LifeYahoo Images Search for you can heal your life book (page: 2)
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ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom4m05:58:10 - 06:02:10499.7 KBFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenBrazil0s05:51:19 - 05:51:19138.3 KBView Course: Acupuncture/The Five Elements The Five EmotinosGoogle Brazil Search for emotinos (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States11m 39s05:50:58 - 06:02:37238.3 KBView Product: itemYahoo Images Search for true friendship (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenKorea, Republic of0s05:34:46 - 05:34:4615 BView Article: quick-findView Article: If At First You Don't Succeed, Good.
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s05:34:45 - 05:34:45139.7 KBView Article: If At First You Don't Succeed, Good.Direct Request
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s05:29:31 - 05:29:3115 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s05:09:12 - 05:09:12124.8 KBView Room/Space for Rent: Total Body Health Clinic Pty LtdGoogle Search for (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s05:03:07 - 05:03:0820 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenSaudi Arabia0s04:51:25 - 04:51:25182.7 KBLinks Page
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom13m 17s04:48:46 - 05:02:03265.5 KBView Supplier: Frangipani HouseDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited States43s04:22:17 - 04:23:00369.7 KBView Practitioner Group: RebirthingGoogle Search for rebirthing practitioners (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenTurkey0s04:20:16 - 04:20:1619.3 KB/practitioners/contact.htmlDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited States8s04:18:26 - 04:18:342342.7 KBRooms/Space for Rent DirectoryGoogle Search for rent clinic space (page: 2)
ip addr hiddenUnited States3m 31s04:09:40 - 04:13:11221.2 MBView Practitioner: Absolute guaranteed results from Mark PasleyDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom4m 44s04:06:55 - 04:11:397253.7 KBView Article Group: Self-DevelopmentGoogle UK Search for reiki self development (page: 3)
ip addr hiddenIsrael2s04:04:18 - 04:04:20224.4 KBFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s04:01:21 - 04:01:2220 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s03:26:21 - 03:26:21147.7 KBView Course Group: Psychic MediumGoogle Australia Search for psychic medium Queensland (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenSpain0s03:18:52 - 03:18:52114.1 KBView News Item: quick-findView News Item: Crystal Rainbow release their first illustrated children's book
ip addr hiddenCzech Republic0s03:18:50 - 03:18:50119.9 KBView News Item: Crystal Rainbow release their first illustrated children's bookDirect Request
ip addr hiddenChina1s03:16:31 - 03:16:32263.3 KBView Product Group: Parenting/PregnancyDirect Request
ip addr hiddenZambia2m 36s03:07:47 - 03:10:235155.0 KBView Course Group: Spiritual Counselling
ip addr hiddenAustralia40m 38s03:06:45 - 03:47:23391.0 MBEvents DirectoryDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s03:03:44 - 03:03:44138.6 KBView Practitioner: Alchemy Coaching and ConsultingGoogle Australia Search for electric vaporiser white (page: 4)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s03:03:40 - 03:03:40142.2 KBView Practitioner: Body In SyncDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s03:01:17 - 03:01:1820 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited States6s03:00:44 - 03:00:50238.2 KBView Product: "When the first baby laughed for the first time..." - Greetings CardYahoo UK & Ireland Images Search for when the first baby laughed (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s02:56:25 - 02:56:25169.6 KBCourse DirectoryGoogle Search for kripalu Dr. Eric Pearl workshop registration (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenKorea, Republic of0s02:54:28 - 02:54:28142.2 KB/articles/quick-find.htmlArticle Directory
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s02:54:26 - 02:54:26153.2 KBArticle DirectoryDirect Request
ip addr hiddenMexico1s02:46:39 - 02:46:40241.4 KBView Course: Clear Your Clutter and Space ClearingGoogle Mexico Search for karen kingston courses 2007 (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s02:46:13 - 02:46:13131.7 KBView Article: Ear Candling for Ear HealthGoogle Search for osteosclerosis of the ear (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s02:39:37 - 02:39:37147.1 KBView Product Group: BuddhasGoogle Search for standing buddha laughing (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s02:33:50 - 02:33:51224.0 KBFront PageGoogle Australia Search for Possum (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenHong Kong1s02:30:41 - 02:30:42218.2 KBView Product: itemYahoo Images Search for birthday greetings (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia1m 3s02:23:15 - 02:24:183133.5 KBView Product: item
ip addr hiddenUnited States5m 40s02:15:53 - 02:21:337261.7 KBView Supplier: itemDirect Request
ip addr hiddenAustralia1s02:00:06 - 02:00:0720 BFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenBulgaria0s01:54:15 - 01:54:15131.8 KBView Product: Deep Tissue Massage/Tibetan Chakra Meditations
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s01:53:19 - 01:53:19171.5 KBPractitioner DirectoryGoogle Search for interpreting a portrait with bad posture (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenGreece0s01:37:17 - 01:37:17130.1 KBView Product: Spellbound A Fairy Jigsaw BookGoogle Greece Search for shirley barber spellbound (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenAustralia3m 14s01:31:57 - 01:35:11361.5 MBFront Page
ip addr hiddenAustralia0s01:30:46 - 01:30:46123.3 KBView News Item: Brandon Bays last The Journey workshops in AustraliaGoogle Australia Search for BRANDON BAYS (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s01:30:43 - 01:30:43123.8 KBView Modality (Practitioner)Google Search for swedish massage description (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom0s01:28:18 - 01:28:18138.2 KBView Article: 2005 - Year of the RoosterGoogle UK Search for autumn equinox and natural health (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s01:22:57 - 01:22:57123.9 KBView Modality (Practitioner)Google Search for deep tissue massage description (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s01:19:12 - 01:19:12149.1 KBView Product Group: WiccaGoogle Images Search for grimoire for the green witch (page: 2)
ip addr hiddenUnited Kingdom0s01:14:56 - 01:14:56146.9 KBView Product Group: Incense SticksGoogle UK Search for cat incense (page: 2)
ip addr hiddenSingapore0s01:14:11 - 01:14:11123.0 KBView Modality (Practitioner)Google Singapore Search for what is balinese massage (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenCanada16s01:12:16 - 01:12:32247.9 KBView Modality (Practitioner)Google Canada Search for swedish massage description (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenTurkey0s01:08:16 - 01:08:16146.7 KBView Course: Nutrition for Natural FertilityGoogle Turkey Search for Leanne Cooper (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenAustralia6s00:59:49 - 00:59:55224.0 KBFront PageDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s00:55:24 - 00:55:2415 BFront PageGoogle Search for pygmy-possum (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s00:45:16 - 00:45:16119.5 KBView Course Group: Myofascial ReleaseGoogle Search for myofascial release courses (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States1m 17s00:41:16 - 00:42:335226.4 KBView Practitioner Group: Myofascial ReleaseGoogle Search for myofascial release practitioners (page: 1)
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s00:35:37 - 00:35:37130.3 KBView Product: Spiritual Sky - African Violet Oil, 10mlGoogle Images Search for african violet (page: 3)
ip addr hiddenMalaysia2m 40s00:30:19 - 00:32:593192.3 KBPractitioner DirectoryDirect Request
ip addr hiddenUnited States0s00:26:40 - 00:26:40125.5 KBView News Item: 'Be Kind to Your Mind' campaign launched in QueenslandGoogle Search for "sandy stevenson" "mental health" (page: 1)
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ip addr hiddenUnited States0s00:11:16 - 00:11:16224.0 KBFront PageGoogle Search for pygmy possum (page: 1)
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