A page in polliwog is the "thing" that a visitor views when browsing your site. A page is basically a hit that has been resolved by the resolver (if present) as being a page. A page can be anything, a static HTML file, a dynamically generated jsp or php page, an image file or even a css/txt/javascript file. polliwog leaves the decision as to what is a page up to the page resolver. (Note: in the event that a resolver is not provided then polliwog considers all hits to be pages.)
Resolution of Hits into Pages
As previously mentioned, polliwog uses a page resolver to tell it which hits should be considered to be pages. Once resolved the hit/page is added to the relevant visit. The IP address in the hit determines which visit the page should be added to.
Title Resolution
Requested urls, are, by themselves generally unreadable to humans and pretty useless. polliwog uses a page title resolver to convert the url into a human readable title.
If no resolver is provided, or the resolver returns
Once resolved the original url can still be accessed via the getRequest() method in the Hit class.
If no resolver is provided, or the resolver returns
for the title, then polliwog will use the url as the page title. By default polliwog will also consider the query parameters in the url to be part of the page title, this can be controlled by using property:queryParmsArePartOfPage
Once resolved the original url can still be accessed via the getRequest() method in the Hit class.
Referer Title Resolution
If polliwog detects that the referer (if present) refers to your site then it will try and resolve (using the page title resolver) the referer url into a title as well.
Relationship to the HitPage object
Each page (instance of Hit) will also have a reference to it's associated HitPage object. The HitPage object represents each unique page (as determined by the page title) accessed by visitors/search engines on your site.
Site Areas
Each page can also be associated with a site area. The site area resolver will determine from the url for the page which area the page should be associated with.
© Gary Bentley 2004-2007. All Rights Reserved.