Site AreasSite Areas
A site area is a logical grouping of pages within your site. The pages could be identified by having similar urls, for example they may all start with /products/ or it could be based on query parameters or a combination of both. Nearly all sites (of any size) have these logical groupings.

polliwog is able to resolve each page url and referer url (if present) into a site area by using a site area resolver. The resolver examines the url and returns the associated site area.

A site area resolver is created by implementing the org.polliwog.resolvers.SiteAreaResolver interface.

polliwog only creates a single instance of the resolver that is then used for the entire log, the instance is intialized by calling the init(org.polliwog.data.VisitorEnvironment) method.

The site area will only be resolved if a site area resolver is provided in the properties file for property:
Basic Site Area Resolver
A basic implementation of the site area resolver is provided by the org.polliwog.resolvers.BasicSiteAreaResolver class. This class uses a xml file to provide the mappings between urls and the site areas. It is a simple implementation and may to be used where there is a straight forward mapping between the two.

The format of the xml file is as follows:
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site-areasYtype+, area+NONEdefault(string,R)The root element, each child area element defines a set of mappings between a url and a site area. Each child type element defines the type of match that can be used within each area element. The default attribute provides the name of the site area that cannot be matched to any area in the file.
areaNmatch+site-areasname(string,R)Defines a mapping. The name attribute defines the name of the area.
matchNTEXTareatype(string,R)Defines a match. The type attribute should map to one of the type elements (via the id attribute on the type element) so that the resolver knows what kind of match to create. When a JoSQLMatchType is used the content of the match element should be a External site, opens in new window JoSQL WHERE clause that will be executed to determine whether the url maps to the site area. The class available to the WHERE clause is: AbstractURIField.
Defines a match type. The id attribute is basically the name of the match type, the type attribute on the match element should map to one of the ids. The class attribute should be a fully qualified classname that polliwog should create when a match is created. The class specified should implement the MatchType interface.
The resolver uses property:
to define the location of the xml file to use.

<site-areas default="Unknown">
  <type id="josql"
        class="org.polliwog.resolvers.JoSQLMatchType" />
  <area name="Front Page">
    <match type="josql">
      path IN ('/index.html', '/')